# comments/ext.py # (c) 2020 Derek Stevens # this is a helper script to initialize comment threads externally # move this to the project directory and change the settings imports accordingly import sys from django.conf import settings import nilfm.settings as nilfm_settings settings.configure(INSTALLED_APPS=nilfm_settings.INSTALLED_APPS, DATABASES=nilfm_settings.DATABASES) import django django.setup() from comments.models import Comment, Thread def echo(*args): threads = Thread.objects.all(); for t in threads: print(t) c = t.root_comment print(c) if c: c = c.next print(c) def create(id): x = Thread(thread_id=id, ) x.save() def postTo(**kwargs): id = kwargs["id"] name = kwargs["name"] mail = kwargs["mail"] data = kwargs["data"] t = Thread.objects.get(pk=id) current = t.root_comment if current: while current: current = current.next current = Comment(comment_author=name, comment_author_email=mail, comment_data=data) current.save() options = { "echo": echo, "create": create, "postTo": postTo } options[sys.argv[1]](sys.argv[2:])