#include #include "SDL/SDL.h" #include "SDL/SDL_image.h" #include "SDL/SDL_ttf.h" #include "SDL/SDL_mixer.h" #include "config.h" #include "enum.h" #include "Engine.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Room.h" #include "Kaos.h" #include "HyperKaos.h" #include "TextBox.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "Synergy.h" typedef struct timer Timer; #include "extern.h" void bufferData(enum dataChunks chunk) { hasMusic = 0; applySurface(0,0, loadingTxt, screen, NULL); SDL_Flip(screen); printf("Loading map chunk\n"); switch (chunk){ case LEVEL1: bgmData[0] = loadBGM("assets/snd/bgm/artificial sun stage (mamon machine mix).mp3"); mapBuffer[0] = newRoom("assets/img/backgrounds/blueroom.gif", 10); mapBuffer[1] = newRoom("assets/img/backgrounds/redroom.gif", 4); mapBuffer[2] = newRoom("assets/img/backgrounds/greenroom.gif", 4); mapBuffer[3] = newRoom("assets/img/backgrounds/darkroom.gif", 4); addObstacle(mapBuffer[0], 64,92,22,16); addFgObj(mapBuffer[0], 64,64,22,55,"assets/img/objects/floatingChips.png", 4, 1, 255); addObstacle(mapBuffer[0], 320 - 64 - 22, 92,22,16); addFgObj(mapBuffer[0], 320 - 64 - 22, 64, 22, 55, "assets/img/objects/floatingChips.png", 4, 1, 255); addWarp(mapBuffer[0], 0,0,8,180, LEVEL1, 1, 304,90); addWarp(mapBuffer[0], 312,0,8,180, LEVEL1, 2, 16,90); addWarp(mapBuffer[0], 0,0,320,8, LEVEL1, 3, 160,164); addWarp(mapBuffer[2], 0,0,8,180, LEVEL1, 0, 304,90); addWarp(mapBuffer[1], 312,0,8,180, LEVEL1, 0, 16,90); addWarp(mapBuffer[3], 0,172,320,8, LEVEL1, 0, 160,16); addWarp(mapBuffer[2], 312,0,8,180, LEVEL2,0, 16,165); dialogueData[0] = newGTextBox(loadImage("assets/img/portraits/test.gif")); addText(dialogueData[0], "I can't help but feel like I'm"); addText(dialogueData[0], "trapped in the universe..."); addText(dialogueData[0], "Do you ever feel that way?"); addText(dialogueData[0], "It's maddening."); addText(dialogueData[0], "Let me know if you feel it."); dialogueData[1] = newGTextBox(loadImage("assets/img/portraits/kmage.gif")); addText(dialogueData[1], "Whoa! You and I look so alike!"); dialogueData[2] = newTextBox(); addText(dialogueData[2], "It's a floating computer chip."); addText(dialogueData[2], "How it can spin forever"); addText(dialogueData[2], "without slowing or stopping"); addText(dialogueData[2], "is a mystery to me..."); addText(dialogueData[2], "Looks damn cool though!"); dialogueData[3] = newGTextBox(loadImage("assets/img/portraits/test.gif")); addText(dialogueData[3], "Well fine then!"); dialogueData[4] = newGTextBox(loadImage("assets/img/portraits/test.gif")); addText(dialogueData[4], "Thanks buddy."); kaosData[0] = newConversation(0); kaosData[1] = newErase('t', 2); kaosData[2] = newManip(hero, 0, 0); kaosData[3] = newConversation(1); kaosData[4] = newManip(hero, 0 ,0); kaosData[5] = newConversation(2); kaosData[6] = newConversation(3); kaosData[7] = newConversation(4); kaosData[12] = newErase('f', 1); kaosData[13] = newErase('o', 1); kaosData[14] = newErase('s', 0); HyperKaos* choiceBranchA = newHyperKaos(1,0, 0, 0, 0, 0); addKaos(choiceBranchA, kaosData[7]); addKaos(choiceBranchA, kaosData[2]); addTrigger(mapBuffer[3], choiceBranchA); choiceBranchA = NULL; HyperKaos* choiceBranchB = newHyperKaos(1,0, 0, 0, 0, 0); addKaos(choiceBranchB, kaosData[6]); addKaos(choiceBranchB, kaosData[2]); addTrigger(mapBuffer[3], choiceBranchB); choiceBranchB = NULL; HyperKaos* destroyChp2 = newHyperKaos(1,0,0,0,0,0); addKaos(destroyChp2, kaosData[12]); addKaos(destroyChp2, kaosData[13]); addKaos(destroyChp2, kaosData[14]); Synergy* testSigil = newSynergy(0,'e', 0, 74, 256, 48, destroyChp2); addSigil(mapBuffer[0], testSigil); destroyChp2 = NULL; testSigil = NULL; kaosData[8] = newChoice("Let her know?", "Sure thing", "Nope", mapBuffer[3]->eventTriggers[0], mapBuffer[3]->eventTriggers[1]); if(notCompleted(3)) { HyperKaos* testTextBox = newHyperKaos(3, 0, 0, 0, 320, 180); addKaos(testTextBox, kaosData[4]); addKaos(testTextBox, kaosData[0]); addKaos(testTextBox, kaosData[1]); addKaos(testTextBox, kaosData[8]); addTrigger(mapBuffer[3], testTextBox); testTextBox = NULL; } Player* randomDude; if (notCompleted(5)) randomDude = newPlayer("assets/img/characters/kmage.png", -16, -16); else randomDude = newPlayer("assets/img/characters/kmage.png", 160, 90); addPerson(mapBuffer[1], randomDude); addObstacle(mapBuffer[1], 152,76,16,22); kaosData[9] = newFaceEachother(hero, randomDude); kaosData[10] = newTeleport(randomDude, 160, 90, 0); kaosData[11] = newErase('t', 0); randomDude = NULL; if(notCompleted(5)) { HyperKaos* tpDude = newHyperKaos(5, 0, 300, 0, 20, 180); addKaos(tpDude, kaosData[10]); addKaos(tpDude, kaosData[11]); addTrigger(mapBuffer[1],tpDude); tpDude = NULL; } HyperKaos* randomDudeConvo = newHyperKaos(1, 1, 152, 82, 16, 16); addKaos(randomDudeConvo, kaosData[3]); addKaos(randomDudeConvo, kaosData[9]); addKaos(randomDudeConvo, kaosData[2]); addTrigger(mapBuffer[1], randomDudeConvo); randomDudeConvo = NULL; break; case LEVEL2: mapBuffer[0] = newRoom("assets/img/backgrounds/crystal_path.png", 4); addObstacle(mapBuffer[0], 0,0,320,155); addObstacle(mapBuffer[0], 0,175,320,10); addWarp(mapBuffer[0], 0,155,8,20, LEVEL1, 2, 304, 90); addWarp(mapBuffer[0], 312,155,8,20, LEVEL2, 1, 295, 158); mapBuffer[1] = newRoom("assets/img/backgrounds/crystal_room.png", 4); addObstacle(mapBuffer[1], 0,0,320,115); addObstacle(mapBuffer[1], 0,115,180,65); addWarp(mapBuffer[1], 312,172,8,8, LEVEL2, 0, 304, 165); break; case LEVEL3: break; } printf("Loaded map chunk\n"); } void dataPurge(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) { int i; for (i = 0; i < a; i++) deleteRoom(mapData[i]); for (i = 0; i < b; i++) deleteTextBox(dialogueData[i]); for (i = 0; i < c; i++) kaosData[i]->destroy(kaosData[i]); for (i = 0; i < d; i++) Mix_FreeMusic(bgmData[i]); for (i = 0; i < e; i++) Mix_FreeChunk(sfxData[i]); } void unloadData(enum dataChunks chunk) { printf("Unloading old map chunk\n"); switch(chunk) { case LEVEL1: dataPurge(4,5,15,1,0); break; case LEVEL2: dataPurge(2,0,0,0,0); break; case LEVEL3: break; } printf("Unloaded old map chunk\n"); } void pushBufferData() { printf("Pushing map buffer\n"); mapData = mapBuffer; mapBuffer = (Room**)malloc(64*sizeof(Room*)); if (hasMusic) Mix_PlayMusic(bgmData[0], -1); printf("Map buffer clean\n"); } void pager() { if (thisChunk != nextChunk) { if (Mix_PlayingMusic()) { Mix_HaltMusic(); } unloadData(thisChunk); pushBufferData(); thisChunk=nextChunk; } }