<$PLAN9/src/mkhdr <|sh $PLAN9/src/cmd/devdraw/mkwsysrules.sh # for X11 RIOFILES=\ client.$O\ color.$O\ cursor.$O\ error.$O\ event.$O\ grab.$O\ key.$O\ main.$O\ manage.$O\ menu.$O\ monitor.$O\ HFILES=dat.h fns.h TARG=rio xshove # need to add lib64 when it exists (on x86-64), but # Darwin complains about the nonexistant directory # Bug in mk? "$L64 -lXext" gobbles the space, so # add trailing slash. L64=`[ -d $X11/lib64 ] && echo 64; echo` LDFLAGS=-L$X11/lib$L64/ -Llibnotify/ -lnotify -lXext -lX11 -lXrandr $LDFLAGS <|sh mkriorules.sh $O.rio: $RIOFILES CFLAGS=$CFLAGS -DSHAPE -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include/ -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/ $O.xevents: xevents.$O printevent.$O $LD -o $target $prereq $LDFLAGS xevents.$O printevent.$O: printevent.h error.$O: showevent/ShowEvent.c $O.xshove: xshove.$O $LD -o $O.xshove xshove.$O -lX11 $LDFLAGS ryudo: $O.rio sh ryudomagic.sh