#!/bin/sh if [ -z "$PLAN9" ]; then echo "PLAN9 not set;" echo "Please set it to the location of your plan9port installation." exit 1 fi if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then mkdir -p ~/bin/9 cp ryudo ~/bin/9/ryudo echo "ryudo has been installed to '${HOME}/bin/9/';" echo "You may want to add it to your PATH." echo "The manual pages were not installed." else cp ryudo ${PLAN9}/bin/ryudo cp ryudo.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/ryudo.desktop cp startryudo /usr/bin/startryudo cp ryudo.1 $PLAN9/man/man1/ryudo.1 chmod a+x /usr/bin/startryudo chmod a+x ${PLAN9}/bin/ryudo echo "ryudo has been installed to '${PLAN9}/bin/';" echo "xsession has been installed to '/usr/share/xsessions/';" echo "startryudo script has been installed to '/usr/bin/';" echo "The manual pages have been installed to '${PLAN9}/man/'" fi