# where your maildir folders live MBOX_ROOT=${HOME}/lib/mail/zoho # where runtime files live TARO_LIB=${HOME}/lib/taro # where attachments are saved to TARO_DOWNLOADS=${HOME}/tmp # uxnemu will be copied to TARO_LIB/UXN_EMU to give it the right _NET_WM_CLASS UXN_EMU=taro # any custom env you want to set for reader/compose wins TARO_ENV="PINENTRY_USER_DATA=taro" # reader and compose progs - I use st, you may use your own terminal although the command line options may differ so read the manual READER_PROG="${TARO_ENV} TARO_DOWNLOADS=\\\"${TARO_DOWNLOADS}\\\" LESSKEYIN=\\\"${TARO_LIB}/lesskey\\\" st -c ${UXN_EMU} -n ${UXN_EMU} -t taro-reader -e \\\"${TARO_LIB}/taro-reader\\\"" COMPOSE_PROG="${TARO_ENV} st -c ${UXN_EMU} -n ${UXN_EMU} -t taro-compose -e mcom"