#include "button.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "window.h" #include "server.h" #include "panel.h" #include "timer.h" #include "common.h" char *button_get_tooltip(void *obj); void button_init_fonts(); int button_compute_desired_size(void *obj); void button_dump_geometry(void *obj, int indent); void default_button() { } Button *create_button() { Button *button = calloc(1, sizeof(Button)); button->backend = calloc(1, sizeof(ButtonBackend)); button->backend->centered = TRUE; button->backend->font_color.alpha = 0.5; return button; } gpointer create_button_frontend(gconstpointer arg, gpointer data) { Button *button_backend = (Button *)arg; Button *button_frontend = calloc(1, sizeof(Button)); button_frontend->backend = button_backend->backend; button_backend->backend->instances = g_list_append(button_backend->backend->instances, button_frontend); button_frontend->frontend = calloc(1, sizeof(ButtonFrontend)); return button_frontend; } void destroy_button(void *obj) { Button *button = (Button *)obj; if (button->frontend) { // This is a frontend element if (button->frontend->icon) { imlib_context_set_image(button->frontend->icon); imlib_free_image(); button->frontend->icon = NULL; } button->backend->instances = g_list_remove_all(button->backend->instances, button); free_and_null(button->frontend); remove_area(&button->area); free_area(&button->area); free_and_null(button); } else { // This is a backend element free_and_null(button->backend->text); free_and_null(button->backend->icon_name); free_and_null(button->backend->tooltip); button->backend->bg = NULL; pango_font_description_free(button->backend->font_desc); button->backend->font_desc = NULL; free_and_null(button->backend->lclick_command); free_and_null(button->backend->mclick_command); free_and_null(button->backend->rclick_command); free_and_null(button->backend->dwheel_command); free_and_null(button->backend->uwheel_command); if (button->backend->instances) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Attempt to destroy backend while there are still frontend instances!\n"); exit(-1); } free(button->backend); free(button); } } void init_button() { GList *to_remove = panel_config.button_list; for (int k = 0; k < strlen(panel_items_order) && to_remove; k++) { if (panel_items_order[k] == 'P') { to_remove = to_remove->next; } } if (to_remove) { if (to_remove == panel_config.button_list) { g_list_free_full(to_remove, destroy_button); panel_config.button_list = NULL; } else { // Cut panel_config.button_list if (to_remove->prev) to_remove->prev->next = NULL; to_remove->prev = NULL; // Remove all elements of to_remove and to_remove itself g_list_free_full(to_remove, destroy_button); } } button_init_fonts(); for (GList *l = panel_config.button_list; l; l = l->next) { Button *button = l->data; // Set missing config options if (!button->backend->bg) button->backend->bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0); } } void init_button_panel(void *p) { Panel *panel = (Panel *)p; // Make sure this is only done once if there are multiple items if (panel->button_list && ((Button *)panel->button_list->data)->frontend) return; // panel->button_list is now a copy of the pointer panel_config.button_list // We make it a deep copy panel->button_list = g_list_copy_deep(panel_config.button_list, create_button_frontend, NULL); load_icon_themes(); for (GList *l = panel->button_list; l; l = l->next) { Button *button = l->data; button->area.bg = button->backend->bg; button->area.paddingx = button->backend->paddingx; button->area.paddingy = button->backend->paddingy; button->area.paddingxlr = button->backend->paddingxlr; button->area.parent = panel; button->area.panel = panel; button->area._dump_geometry = button_dump_geometry; button->area._compute_desired_size = button_compute_desired_size; snprintf(button->area.name, sizeof(button->area.name), "Button"); button->area._draw_foreground = draw_button; button->area.size_mode = LAYOUT_FIXED; button->area._resize = resize_button; button->area._get_tooltip_text = button_get_tooltip; button->area._is_under_mouse = full_width_area_is_under_mouse; button->area.has_mouse_press_effect = panel_config.mouse_effects && (button->area.has_mouse_over_effect = button->backend->lclick_command || button->backend->mclick_command || button->backend->rclick_command || button->backend->uwheel_command || button->backend->dwheel_command); button->area.resize_needed = TRUE; button->area.on_screen = TRUE; instantiate_area_gradients(&button->area); button_reload_icon(button); } } void button_init_fonts() { for (GList *l = panel_config.button_list; l; l = l->next) { Button *button = l->data; if (!button->backend->font_desc) button->backend->font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(get_default_font()); } } void button_default_font_changed() { gboolean needs_update = FALSE; for (GList *l = panel_config.button_list; l; l = l->next) { Button *button = l->data; if (!button->backend->has_font) { pango_font_description_free(button->backend->font_desc); button->backend->font_desc = NULL; needs_update = TRUE; } } if (!needs_update) return; button_init_fonts(); for (int i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) { for (GList *l = panels[i].button_list; l; l = l->next) { Button *button = l->data; if (!button->backend->has_font) { button->area.resize_needed = TRUE; schedule_redraw(&button->area); } } } schedule_panel_redraw(); } void button_reload_icon(Button *button) { free_icon(button->frontend->icon); free_icon(button->frontend->icon_hover); free_icon(button->frontend->icon_pressed); button->frontend->icon = NULL; button->frontend->icon_hover = NULL; button->frontend->icon_pressed = NULL; button->frontend->icon_load_size = button->frontend->iconw; if (!button->backend->icon_name) return; char *new_icon_path = get_icon_path(icon_theme_wrapper, button->backend->icon_name, button->frontend->iconw, TRUE); if (new_icon_path) button->frontend->icon = load_image(new_icon_path, TRUE); free(new_icon_path); // On loading error, fallback to default if (!button->frontend->icon) { new_icon_path = get_icon_path(icon_theme_wrapper, DEFAULT_ICON, button->frontend->iconw, TRUE); if (new_icon_path) button->frontend->icon = load_image(new_icon_path, TRUE); free(new_icon_path); } Imlib_Image original = button->frontend->icon; button->frontend->icon = scale_icon(button->frontend->icon, button->frontend->iconw); free_icon(original); if (panel_config.mouse_effects) { button->frontend->icon_hover = adjust_icon(button->frontend->icon, panel_config.mouse_over_alpha, panel_config.mouse_over_saturation, panel_config.mouse_over_brightness); button->frontend->icon_pressed = adjust_icon(button->frontend->icon, panel_config.mouse_pressed_alpha, panel_config.mouse_pressed_saturation, panel_config.mouse_pressed_brightness); } schedule_redraw(&button->area); } void button_default_icon_theme_changed() { for (int i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) { for (GList *l = panels[i].button_list; l; l = l->next) { Button *button = l->data; button_reload_icon(button); } } schedule_panel_redraw(); } void cleanup_button() { // Cleanup frontends for (int i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) { g_list_free_full(panels[i].button_list, destroy_button); panels[i].button_list = NULL; } // Cleanup backends g_list_free_full(panel_config.button_list, destroy_button); panel_config.button_list = NULL; } int button_compute_desired_size(void *obj) { Button *button = (Button *)obj; Panel *panel = (Panel *)button->area.panel; int horiz_padding = (panel_horizontal ? button->area.paddingxlr : button->area.paddingy); int vert_padding = (panel_horizontal ? button->area.paddingy : button->area.paddingxlr); int interior_padding = button->area.paddingx; int icon_w, icon_h; if (button->backend->icon_name) { if (panel_horizontal) icon_h = icon_w = button->area.height - top_bottom_border_width(&button->area) - 2 * vert_padding; else icon_h = icon_w = button->area.width - left_right_border_width(&button->area) - 2 * horiz_padding; if (button->backend->max_icon_size) { icon_w = MIN(icon_w, button->backend->max_icon_size); icon_h = MIN(icon_h, button->backend->max_icon_size); } } else { icon_h = icon_w = 0; } int txt_height_ink, txt_height, txt_width; if (button->backend->text) { if (panel_horizontal) { get_text_size2(button->backend->font_desc, &txt_height_ink, &txt_height, &txt_width, panel->area.height, panel->area.width, button->backend->text, strlen(button->backend->text), PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, FALSE); } else { get_text_size2(button->backend->font_desc, &txt_height_ink, &txt_height, &txt_width, panel->area.height, button->area.width - icon_w - (icon_w ? interior_padding : 0) - 2 * horiz_padding - left_right_border_width(&button->area), button->backend->text, strlen(button->backend->text), PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, FALSE); } } else { txt_height_ink = txt_height = txt_width = 0; } if (panel_horizontal) { int new_size = txt_width + icon_w + (txt_width && icon_w ? interior_padding : 0); new_size += 2 * horiz_padding + left_right_border_width(&button->area); return new_size; } else { int new_size; new_size = txt_height + 2 * vert_padding + top_bottom_border_width(&button->area); new_size = MAX(new_size, icon_h + 2 * vert_padding + top_bottom_border_width(&button->area)); return new_size; } } gboolean resize_button(void *obj) { Button *button = (Button *)obj; Panel *panel = (Panel *)button->area.panel; int horiz_padding = (panel_horizontal ? button->area.paddingxlr : button->area.paddingy); int vert_padding = (panel_horizontal ? button->area.paddingy : button->area.paddingxlr); int interior_padding = button->area.paddingx; int icon_w, icon_h; if (button->backend->icon_name) { if (panel_horizontal) icon_h = icon_w = button->area.height - top_bottom_border_width(&button->area) - 2 * vert_padding; else icon_h = icon_w = button->area.width - left_right_border_width(&button->area) - 2 * horiz_padding; if (button->backend->max_icon_size) { icon_w = MIN(icon_w, button->backend->max_icon_size); icon_h = MIN(icon_h, button->backend->max_icon_size); } } else { icon_h = icon_w = 0; } button->frontend->iconw = icon_w; button->frontend->iconh = icon_h; if (button->frontend->icon_load_size != button->frontend->iconw) button_reload_icon(button); int txt_height_ink, txt_height, txt_width; if (button->backend->text) { if (panel_horizontal) { get_text_size2(button->backend->font_desc, &txt_height_ink, &txt_height, &txt_width, panel->area.height, panel->area.width, button->backend->text, strlen(button->backend->text), PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, FALSE); } else { get_text_size2(button->backend->font_desc, &txt_height_ink, &txt_height, &txt_width, panel->area.height, button->area.width - icon_w - (icon_w ? interior_padding : 0) - 2 * horiz_padding - left_right_border_width(&button->area), button->backend->text, strlen(button->backend->text), PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, FALSE); } } else { txt_height_ink = txt_height = txt_width = 0; } gboolean result = FALSE; if (panel_horizontal) { int new_size = txt_width + icon_w + (txt_width && icon_w ? interior_padding : 0); new_size += 2 * horiz_padding + left_right_border_width(&button->area); if (new_size != button->area.width) { button->area.width = new_size; result = TRUE; } } else { int new_size; new_size = txt_height + 2 * vert_padding + top_bottom_border_width(&button->area); new_size = MAX(new_size, icon_h + 2 * vert_padding + top_bottom_border_width(&button->area)); if (new_size != button->area.height) { button->area.height = new_size; result = TRUE; } } button->frontend->textw = txt_width; button->frontend->texth = txt_height; if (button->backend->centered) { if (icon_w) { button->frontend->icony = (button->area.height - icon_h) / 2; button->frontend->iconx = (button->area.width - txt_width - (txt_width ? interior_padding : 0) - icon_w) / 2; button->frontend->texty = (button->area.height - txt_height) / 2; button->frontend->textx = button->frontend->iconx + icon_w + interior_padding; } else { button->frontend->texty = (button->area.height - txt_height) / 2; button->frontend->textx = (button->area.width - txt_width) / 2; } } else { if (icon_w) { button->frontend->icony = (button->area.height - icon_h) / 2; button->frontend->iconx = left_border_width(&button->area) + horiz_padding; button->frontend->texty = (button->area.height - txt_height) / 2; button->frontend->textx = button->frontend->iconx + icon_w + interior_padding; } else { button->frontend->texty = (button->area.height - txt_height) / 2; button->frontend->textx = left_border_width(&button->area) + horiz_padding; } } schedule_redraw(&button->area); return result; } void draw_button(void *obj, cairo_t *c) { Button *button = obj; if (button->frontend->icon) { // Render icon Imlib_Image image; if (panel_config.mouse_effects) { if (button->area.mouse_state == MOUSE_OVER) image = button->frontend->icon_hover ? button->frontend->icon_hover : button->frontend->icon; else if (button->area.mouse_state == MOUSE_DOWN) image = button->frontend->icon_pressed ? button->frontend->icon_pressed : button->frontend->icon; else image = button->frontend->icon; } else { image = button->frontend->icon; } imlib_context_set_image(image); render_image(button->area.pix, button->frontend->iconx, button->frontend->icony); } // Render text if (button->backend->text) { PangoLayout *layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(c); pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, button->backend->font_desc); pango_layout_set_width(layout, button->frontend->textw * PANGO_SCALE); pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, button->backend->centered ? PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER : PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT); pango_layout_set_wrap(layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR); pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE); pango_layout_set_text(layout, button->backend->text, strlen(button->backend->text)); pango_cairo_update_layout(c, layout); draw_text(layout, c, button->frontend->textx, button->frontend->texty, &button->backend->font_color, panel_config.font_shadow); g_object_unref(layout); } } void button_dump_geometry(void *obj, int indent) { Button *button = obj; if (button->frontend->icon) { Imlib_Image tmp = imlib_context_get_image(); imlib_context_set_image(button->frontend->icon); fprintf(stderr, "%*sIcon: x = %d, y = %d, w = %d, h = %d\n", indent, "", button->frontend->iconx, button->frontend->icony, imlib_image_get_width(), imlib_image_get_height()); if (tmp) imlib_context_set_image(tmp); } fprintf(stderr, "%*sText: x = %d, y = %d, w = %d, align = %s, text = %s\n", indent, "", button->frontend->textx, button->frontend->texty, button->frontend->textw, button->backend->centered ? "center" : "left", button->backend->text); } void button_action(void *obj, int mouse_button, int x, int y, Time time) { Button *button = (Button *)obj; char *command = NULL; switch (mouse_button) { case 1: command = button->backend->lclick_command; break; case 2: command = button->backend->mclick_command; break; case 3: command = button->backend->rclick_command; break; case 4: command = button->backend->uwheel_command; break; case 5: command = button->backend->dwheel_command; break; } tint_exec(command, NULL, NULL, time, obj, x, y); } char *button_get_tooltip(void *obj) { Button *button = obj; if (button->backend->tooltip && strlen(button->backend->tooltip) > 0) return strdup(button->backend->tooltip); return NULL; }