#ifndef BUTTON_H #define BUTTON_H #include #include #include "area.h" #include "common.h" #include "timer.h" // Architecture: // Panel panel_config contains an array of Button, each storing all config options and all the state variables. // Only these run commands. // // Tint2 maintains an array of Panels, one for each monitor. Each stores an array of Button which was initially copied // from panel_config. Each works as a frontend to the corresponding Button in panel_config as backend, using the // backend's config and state variables. typedef struct ButtonBackend { // Config: char *icon_name; char *text; char *tooltip; gboolean centered; int max_icon_size; gboolean has_font; PangoFontDescription *font_desc; Color font_color; char *lclick_command; char *mclick_command; char *rclick_command; char *uwheel_command; char *dwheel_command; // paddingxlr = horizontal padding left/right // paddingx = horizontal padding between childs int paddingxlr, paddingx, paddingy; Background *bg; // List of Button which are frontends for this backend, one for each panel GList *instances; } ButtonBackend; typedef struct ButtonFrontend { // Frontend state: Imlib_Image icon; Imlib_Image icon_hover; Imlib_Image icon_pressed; int icon_load_size; int iconx; int icony; int iconw; int iconh; int textx; int texty; int textw; int texth; } ButtonFrontend; typedef struct Button { Area area; // All elements have the backend pointer set. However only backend elements have ownership. ButtonBackend *backend; // Set only for frontend Button items. ButtonFrontend *frontend; } Button; // Called before the config is read and panel_config/panels are created. // Afterwards, the config parsing code creates the array of Button in panel_config and populates the configuration fields // in the backend. // Probably does nothing. void default_button(); // Creates a new Button item with only the backend field set. The state is NOT initialized. The config is initialized to // the default values. // This will be used by the config code to populate its backedn config fields. Button *create_button(); void destroy_button(void *obj); // Called after the config is read and panel_config is populated, but before panels are created. // Initializes the state of the backend items. // panel_config.panel_items is used to determine which backend items are enabled. The others should be destroyed and // removed from panel_config.button_list. void init_button(); // Called after each on-screen panel is created, with a pointer to the panel. // Initializes the state of the frontend items. Also adds a pointer to it in backend->instances. // At this point the Area has not been added yet to the GUI tree, but it will be added right away. void init_button_panel(void *panel); // Called just before the panels are destroyed. Afterwards, tint2 exits or restarts and reads the config again. // Releases all frontends and then all the backends. // The frontend items are not freed by this function, only their members. The items are Areas which are freed in the // GUI element tree cleanup function (remove_area). void cleanup_button(); // Called on draw, obj = pointer to the front-end Button item. void draw_button(void *obj, cairo_t *c); // Called on resize, obj = pointer to the front-end Button item. // Returns 1 if the new size is different than the previous size. gboolean resize_button(void *obj); // Called on mouse click event. void button_action(void *obj, int button, int x, int y); void button_default_font_changed(); void button_default_icon_theme_changed(); void button_reload_icon(Button *button); #endif // BUTTON_H