/************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008 thierry lorthiois (lorthiois@bbsoft.fr) * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef AREA_H #define AREA_H #include #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "gradient.h" // DATA ORGANISATION // // Areas in tint2 are similar to widgets in a GUI. // All graphical objects (panel, taskbar, task, systray, clock, ...) inherit the abstract class Area. // This class 'Area' stores data about the background, border, size, position, padding and the child areas. // Inheritance is simulated by having an Area member as the first member of each object (thus &object == &area). // // tint2 uses multiple panels, one per monitor. Each panel has an area containing the children objects in a tree of // areas. The level in the tree gives the z-order: child areas are always displayed on top of their parents. // // // LAYOUT // // Sibling areas never overlap. // // The position of an Area (posx, posy) is relative to the window (i.e. absolute) and // is computed based on a simple box model: // * parent position + parent padding + sum of the sizes of the previous siblings and spacing // // The size of an Area is: // * SIZE_BY_CONTENT objects: // * fixed and set by the Area // * childred are resized before the parent // * if a child size has changed then the parent is resized // * SIZE_BY_LAYOUT objects: // * expandable and computed as the total size of the parent - padding - // the size of the fixed sized siblings - spacing and divided by the number of expandable siblings // * the parent is resized before the children // // // RENDERING // // Redrawing an object (like the clock) could come from an 'external event' (date change) // or from a 'layout event' (position change). // // // WIDGET LIFECYCLE // // Each widget that occurs once per panel is defined as a struct (e.g. Clock) which is stored as a member of Panel. // Widgets that can occur more than once should be stored as an array, still as a member of Panel. // // There is a special Panel instance called 'panel_config' which stores the config options and the state variables // of the widgets (however some config options are stored as global variables by the widgets). // // Tint2 maintains an array of Panel instances, one for each monitor. These contain the actual Areas that are used to // render the panels on screen, interact with user input etc. // Each Panel is initialized as a raw copy (memcpy, see init_panel()) of panel_config. // // Normally, widgets should implement the following functions: // // * void default_widget(); // // Called before the config is read and panel_config/panels are created. // Afterwards, the config parsing code creates the widget/widget array in panel_config and // populates the configuration fields. // If the widget uses global variables to store config options or other state variables, they should be initialized // here (e.g. with zero, NULL etc). // // * void init_widget(); // // Called after the config is read and panel_config is populated, but before panels are created. // Initializes the state of the widget in panel_config. // If the widget uses global variables to store config options or other state variables which depend on the config // options but not on the panel instance, they should be initialized here. // panel_config.panel_items can be used to determine which backend items are enabled. // // * void init_widget_panel(void *panel); // // Called after each on-screen panel is created, with a pointer to the panel. // Completes the initialization of the widget. // At this point the widget Area has not been added yet to the GUI tree, but it will be added right afterwards. // // * void cleanup_widget(); // // Called just before the panels are destroyed. Afterwards, tint2 exits or restarts and reads the config again. // Must releases all resources. // The widget itself should not be freed by this function, only its members or global variables that were set. // The widget is freed by the Area tree cleanup function (remove_area). // // * void draw_widget(void *obj, cairo_t *c); // // Called on draw, obj = pointer to the widget instance from the panel that is redrawn. // The Area's _draw_foreground member must point to this function. // // * int resize_widget(void *obj); // // Called on resize, obj = pointer to the front-end Execp item. // Returns 1 if the new size is different than the previous size. // The Area's _resize member must point to this function. // // * void widget_action(void *obj, int button); // // Called on mouse click event. // // * void widget_on_change_layout(void *obj); // // Implemented only to override the default layout algorithm for this widget. // For example, if this widget is a cell in a table, its position and size should be computed here. // The Area's _on_change_layout member must point to this function. // // * char* widget_get_tooltip_text(void *obj); // // Returns a copy of the tooltip to be displayed for this widget. // The caller takes ownership of the pointer. // The Area's _get_tooltip_text member must point to this function. typedef enum BorderMask { BORDER_TOP = 1 << 0, BORDER_BOTTOM = 1 << 1, BORDER_LEFT = 1 << 2, BORDER_RIGHT = 1 << 3 } BorderMask; #define BORDER_ALL (BORDER_TOP | BORDER_BOTTOM | BORDER_LEFT | BORDER_RIGHT) typedef struct Border { // It's essential that the first member is color Color color; // Width in pixels int width; // Corner radius int radius; // Mask: bitwise OR of BorderMask int mask; } Border; typedef enum MouseState { MOUSE_NORMAL = 0, MOUSE_OVER = 1, MOUSE_DOWN = 2, MOUSE_STATE_COUNT } MouseState; typedef struct Background { // Normal state Color fill_color; Border border; // On mouse hover Color fill_color_hover; Color border_color_hover; // On mouse press Color fill_color_pressed; Color border_color_pressed; // Pointer to a GradientClass or NULL, no ownership GradientClass *gradients[MOUSE_STATE_COUNT]; } Background; typedef enum Layout { LAYOUT_DYNAMIC, LAYOUT_FIXED, } Layout; typedef enum Alignment { ALIGN_LEFT = 0, ALIGN_CENTER = 1, ALIGN_RIGHT = 2, } Alignment; struct Panel; typedef struct Area { // Position relative to the panel window int posx, posy; // Size, including borders int width, height; int old_width, old_height; Background *bg; // Each element is a GradientInstance attached to this Area (list can be empty) GList *gradient_instances_by_state[MOUSE_STATE_COUNT]; // Each element is a GradientInstance that depends on this Area's geometry (position or size) GList *dependent_gradients; // List of children, each one a pointer to Area GList *children; // Pointer to the parent Area or NULL void *parent; // Pointer to the Panel that contains this Area void *panel; Layout size_mode; Alignment alignment; gboolean has_mouse_over_effect; gboolean has_mouse_press_effect; // TODO padding/spacing is a clusterfuck // paddingxlr = padding // paddingy = vertical padding, sometimes // paddingx = spacing int paddingxlr, paddingx, paddingy; MouseState mouse_state; // Set to non-zero if the Area is visible. An object may exist but stay hidden. gboolean on_screen; // Set to non-zero if the size of the Area has to be recalculated. gboolean resize_needed; // Set to non-zero if the Area has to be redrawn. // Do not set this directly; use schedule_redraw() instead. gboolean _redraw_needed; // Set to non-zero if the position/size has changed, thus _on_change_layout needs to be called gboolean _changed; // This is the pixmap on which the Area is rendered. Render to it directly if needed. Pixmap pix; Pixmap pix_by_state[MOUSE_STATE_COUNT]; char name[32]; // Callbacks // Called on draw before any drawing takes place, obj = pointer to the Area void (*_clear)(void *obj); // Called on draw, obj = pointer to the Area void (*_draw_foreground)(void *obj, cairo_t *c); // Called on resize, obj = pointer to the Area // Returns 1 if the new size is different than the previous size. gboolean (*_resize)(void *obj); // Called before resize, obj = pointer to the Area // Returns the desired size of the Area int (*_compute_desired_size)(void *obj); // Implemented only to override the default layout algorithm for this widget. // For example, if this widget is a cell in a table, its position and size should be computed here. void (*_on_change_layout)(void *obj); // Returns a copy of the tooltip to be displayed for this widget. // The caller takes ownership of the pointer. char *(*_get_tooltip_text)(void *obj); // Returns true if the Area handles a mouse event at the given x, y coordinates relative to the window. // Leave this to NULL to use a default implementation. gboolean (*_is_under_mouse)(void *obj, int x, int y); // Prints the geometry of the object on stderr, with left indentation of indent spaces. void (*_dump_geometry)(void *obj, int indent); } Area; // Initializes the Background member to default values. void init_background(Background *bg); // Layout // Called on startup to initialize the positions of all Areas in the Area tree. // Parameters: // * obj: pointer to Area // * offset: offset in pixels from left/top, relative to the window void initialize_positions(void *obj, int offset); // Relayouts the Area and its children. Normally called on the root of the tree (i.e. the Panel). void relayout(Area *a); // Distributes the Area's size to its children, repositioning them as needed. // If maximum_size > 0, it is an upper limit for the child size. int relayout_with_constraint(Area *a, int maximum_size); int compute_desired_size(Area *a); int container_compute_desired_size(Area *a); void area_compute_text_geometry(Area *area, const char *line1, const char *line2, PangoFontDescription *line1_font_desc, PangoFontDescription *line2_font_desc, int *line1_height_ink, int *line1_height, int *line1_width, int *line2_height_ink, int *line2_height, int *line2_width); int text_area_compute_desired_size(Area *area, const char *line1, const char *line2, PangoFontDescription *line1_font_desc, PangoFontDescription *line2_font_desc); gboolean resize_text_area(Area *area, const char *line1, const char *line2, PangoFontDescription *line1_font_desc, PangoFontDescription *line2_font_desc, int *line1_posy, int *line2_posy); void draw_text_area(Area *area, cairo_t *c, const char *line1, const char *line2, PangoFontDescription *line1_font_desc, PangoFontDescription *line2_font_desc, int line1_posy, int line2_posy, Color *color); int left_border_width(Area *a); int right_border_width(Area *a); int left_right_border_width(Area *a); int top_border_width(Area *a); int bottom_border_width(Area *a); int top_bottom_border_width(Area *a); int left_bg_border_width(Background *bg); int right_bg_border_width(Background *bg); int top_bg_border_width(Background *bg); int bottom_bg_border_width(Background *bg); int left_right_bg_border_width(Background *bg); int top_bottom_bg_border_width(Background *bg); // Rendering // Sets the redraw_needed flag on the area and its descendants void schedule_redraw(Area *a); // Recreates the Area pixmap and draws the background and the foreground void draw(Area *a); // Draws the background of the Area void draw_background(Area *a, cairo_t *c); // Explores the entire Area subtree (only if the on_screen flag set) // and draws the areas with the redraw_needed flag set void draw_tree(Area *a); // Clears the on_screen flag, sets the size to zero and triggers a parent resize void hide(Area *a); // Sets the on_screen flag and triggers a parent and area resize void show(Area *a); // Area tree void add_area(Area *a, Area *parent); void remove_area(Area *a); void free_area(Area *a); // Mouse events // Returns the area under the mouse for the given x, y mouse coordinates relative to the window. // If no area is found, returns the root. Area *find_area_under_mouse(void *root, int x, int y); // Returns true if the Area handles a mouse event at the given x, y coordinates relative to the window. gboolean area_is_under_mouse(void *obj, int x, int y); // Returns true if the Area handles a mouse event at the given x, y coordinates relative to the window. // The Area will also handle clicks on the border of its ancestors, including the panel. // Useful so that a click at the edge of the screen is still handled by task buttons etc., even if technically // they are outside the drawing area of the button. gboolean full_width_area_is_under_mouse(void *obj, int x, int y); void instantiate_area_gradients(Area *area); void free_area_gradient_instances(Area *area); void area_dump_geometry(Area *area, int indent); void mouse_over(Area *area, int pressed); void mouse_out(); void update_gradient(GradientInstance *gi); void update_dependent_gradients(Area *a); gboolean area_is_first(void *obj); gboolean area_is_last(void *obj); #endif