all repos — eureka @ 13bd6311982a59e1e13830ffa97e4a054ee795af

static site generator based on the engine

add README; add sanity checks to build script
Iris Lightshard
PGP Signature





2 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

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@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@

+# about + +`eureka` is a simple static site generator based on the generator for []( + +`eureka` simply reads `.htm` files in `./inc/` and applies a template around them, giving them a `<header>`, `<nav>`, and `<footer>`. The `<nav>` content is also located in `inc/meta.nav.htm`, and, contrary to ``'s engine, special rules are applied when templating around it to render the landing page (`index.html`). + +In addition, there is a thumbnailer that uses [ImageMagick]( to create low-bandwidth thumbnails at 500px wide and 16 colors, and store them in a subdirectory alongside the full size images. `eureka` has a function to automatically replace the inline images within pages with the thumbnails, but leave the links they point to untouched. + +Eureka also parses a [twtxt]( file at `SITEROOT/twtxt.txt` and displays the latest three entrires on the front page. It expects the file to be in descending order. + +# usage + +1. Run `./` to copy the default config header to `config.h` and create the `inc` directory (and `meta.nav.htm`) if it doesn't exist. +2. Edit your config; see below for details. +3. Create your CSS and other assets if necessary and put them in your `SITEROOT`. +4. Edit your `inc/meta.nav.htm` to create your `nav` structure (see the markup section below). +5. Create a new page, eg `inc/my_first_page.htm` (see the markup section below). +6. Edit your `inc/meta.nav.htm` again to reference your new page. +7. Run `./` again! You will be warned of any orphaned files. + +If you run into issues with your markup crashing `eureka`, edit the `` file to uncomment the linux debug build line and comment the fast build; this will show you a stack trace of where you are running into buffer overflows, and give you a hint of where your markup is messed up. To see the individual file that has the error, also uncomment the line in `fpinject()` that prints the file names. + +# markup + +There is a markup language which makes writing long blog posts, memex entries, etc easier by reducing the need for typing out HTML tags: + +``` +// shorthand for crosslinking (assuming the file is inc/page_name.htm) +{page name} + +// shorthand for transclusion (assuming the file is inc/page_name.htm) +{/page name} + +// shorthand for arbitary link +{*destination url|text} + +// shorthand for an image you can click to see the full sized version +{:anchor-id|image url|alt text} + +// shorthand for an image with arbitrary link destination +{?anchor-id|destination url|image url|alt text} + +// shorthand for an audio player +{_/path/to/media} + +// shorthand for paragraphs, can embed other markup inside it +{&paragraph text {with a link} {@and some bold text}} + +// shorthand for ordered lists, can embed other markup inside it +{# + {-item one} + {-item two} + {-item three} +} + +// shorthand for unordered lists, can embed other markup inside it +{, + {-item one} + {-item two} + {-item three} +} + +// shorthand for bold +{@bold text} + +// shorthand for italic +{~italic text} + +// shorthand for code +{`short code} + +// shorthand for pre +{$longer code} + +// shorthand for quote +{'short quote} + +// shorthand for blockquote +{>longer quote} + +// shorthand for strikethrough +{\crossed-out text} + +// shorthand for level 3 heading +{!heading text} + +// shorthand for level 4 heading +{.heading text} +``` + +# configuration + +The following macros are available in `config.h` to customize to your liking. + + - **LEXICON_SIZE**: max size of the `Lexicon`, corresponds to the number of pages `eureka` can keep track of + - **TAG\_BODY\_SIZE**: max size for an individual markup body (ie, a markup token as above, minus the curly brackets and the rune), in bytes + - **NAME**: the title of the site + - **DOMAIN**: currently unused + - **LOGO**: currently unused + - **ABOUT**: HTML content for the front page, placed between `<header>` and `<nav>` + - **CONTACT**: the contact info line at the bottom of every page (except the front page, where it would typically already be in **@ABOUT** + - **FOOTER**: arbitrary footer HTML + - **LICENSE**: the license link at the bottom of every page + - **SITEROOT**: the path where the rendered HTML is placed + - **MAINCSS** and **FRONTCSS**: to differentiate styles used for the landing page and the rest of the site + +

@@ -5,6 +5,16 @@ if [ ! -e config.h ]; then

cp config.def.h config.h fi +# ensure sane environment + +if [ ! -d inc ]; then + mkdir inc +fi + +if [ ! -e inc/meta.nav.htm ]; then + touch inc/meta.nav.htm +fi + # Lint clang-format -i main.c config.h