all repos — tint2 @ 84f9f6d0cd18a29d7f9169a83d85a69839868c19

fork of the tint2 desktop panel for my custom setup - only minimized windows across all desktops for the taskbar

Systray: do not move empty icons to the side, as it breaks GTK2 StatusIcon blinking (issue #515)
o9000 o9000




1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

jump to
M src/systray/systraybar.csrc/systray/systraybar.c

@@ -419,10 +419,13 @@ {

const TrayWindow * traywin_a = (TrayWindow*)a; const TrayWindow * traywin_b = (TrayWindow*)b; +#if 0 + // This breaks pygtk2 StatusIcon with blinking activated if (traywin_a->empty && !traywin_b->empty) return 1 * (systray.sort == SYSTRAY_SORT_RIGHT2LEFT ? -1 : 1); if (!traywin_a->empty && traywin_b->empty) return -1 * (systray.sort == SYSTRAY_SORT_RIGHT2LEFT ? -1 : 1); +#endif if (systray.sort == SYSTRAY_SORT_ASCENDING || systray.sort == SYSTRAY_SORT_DESCENDING) {